This article will give you some common use cases for advanced C# logic to use in the map.

1. Introduction

a. C# code in a map is where you can assign data to a field with some specific conditions or get/set special value.

b. A code in Map must have the “return exp;” statement. “exp” could be a variable, constant value, a function … Example:

return "ST";

c. "value" refers to the data being passed in from the source side. Example:

    return value;

d. Example about the relation of field in structure

2. Basic code

a. Code supported by Simplify

UsageDescriptionExampleNote 1233
getValueFromXpath(xpath)Get value from source element by xpathreturn getValueFromXpath("/Document/FGrp/Msg

getValuesFromXpath(xpath)Get list values of elements by xpathreturn getValuesFromXpath("/HortonInvoice
return a list of string
getChildValue(xpath)Get the value of a child element by xpathvar typeCode = getChildValue("Address_Type_Code");
getSiblingValue(name)Get value of the current source sibling element by namevar sku = getSiblingValue("sku");
Get values of elements by qualifier xpath then calculate the total valuereturn getTotalValueByQualifier("/Root/Implicit

getTotalValueFromXpath(xpath)Get values of elements by xpath then calculate the total valuereturn getTotalValueFromXpath("/Root/Implicit

getTradingPartnerName()Get name of trading partnerif(getTradingPartnerName()=="Eaton") 
return "";

GetConfigFromTradingPartner(name)Get the configuration data of trading partner by namevar ediId = GetConfigFromTradingPartner("EdiId");
getXrefValue(lkTableName, valueToCheck)Get a value from a lookup table based on certain conditions and configurationsreturn getXrefValue("810 - Adjustment Type - TruckPro", value);

groupBy(groupValue, index)Group the collection of destination elements based on a specific valuegroupBy(getChildValue("Cust_Item_Number"));

no return data, index is number


Map a customer ID from the QuickBooks platform to a corresponding ID used in Shopify

return MapCustomerIdFromQbToShopify(value);


Map a customer ID from the Shopify platform to a corresponding ID used in QuickBooks

return MapCustomerIdFromShopifyToQb(value);


Map a product ID from the QuickBooks platform to a corresponding ID used in Shopify

return MapProductIdFromQbToShopify(value);


Map a product ID from the Shopify platform to a corresponding ID used in QuickBooks

return MapProductIdFromShopifyToQb(value);


Skip to map this element

return skip();

setValue(key, inputValue)

Set map variable. Update or assign a value to a specific key, this value can be used in other link(s)

setValue("Vend_Item", value);

no return data, inputValue can be anything (object)


Retrieve a value saved in a map variable on another link. Get value by specific key, which has been assign by using setValue(key)

return getValue("Vend_Item");

b. Some code in C# that common use in Map code 

string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)Check if value has data or notstring.IsNullOrEmpty(value)return boolean (true or false)
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)Check if value has data or empty space or notstring.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)return boolean (true or false)
DateTime.Now.ToString(format);Return a string represent the current date timeDateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss");
value.Lengthlength of the valuevalue.Lengthreturn a number
value.Substring(start, end)extracts characters from start to endvalue.Substring(0, 80)
value.Trim()remove space from begin and end of the valuegetChildValue("Adjustment_Type").Trim()
value.Replace(from, to)replace "from" and replace "to"descript.Replace("*","")
input.Split(value)Separate the input string based on valuebarcode.Split('/')return a list of string
int.Parse(value)transfer from string to integer numberint.Parse(getValue("LineCount"))return number
double.TryParse(value, out var doublevalue)transfer from string to double numberdouble.TryParse(getChildValue("Adjustment_Amount"), out var amount)this function return nothing, but the output data is "doublevalue"
doublevalue.ToString(format)convert double number to string in right formatreturn result.ToString("0.##");
input.StartsWith(value)check if input start with valuenote.StartsWith("TRK-")return true or false
DateTime.Now.AddDays(num).ToString(format);Return a string represent the day after current datereturn DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd");

3. Common example

a. Getting the qualifiers in the for loop at the detail level
This is Map code from:
Map: ANSI X12 830 004010 to Horton Planning Schedule FFS Target
Link: /Document/FGrp/Msg/LoopLIN/LoopFST => /Root/Implicit/H_RECORD/LIN_LOOP/F_RECORD

string[] qualFields = new string[] { "LIN02", "LIN04", "LIN06", "LIN08", "LIN10", "LIN12", "LIN14", "LIN16", "LIN18", "LIN20", "LIN22", "LIN24", "LIN26", "LIN28", "LIN30" }; 
string[] qualValues = new string[] { "LIN03", "LIN05", "LIN07", "LIN09", "LIN11", "LIN13", "LIN15", "LIN17", "LIN19", "LIN21", "LIN23", "LIN25", "LIN27", "LIN29", "LIN31" }; 
for (var i = 0; i < qualFields.Length; i++) 
    var qual  = getChildValue("../LIN/" + qualFields[i]);    
    var field = getChildValue("../LIN/" + qualValues[i]);    
    if (qual == "BP")    
        setValue("partBP", field);    
    if (qual == "EC")    
        setValue("partEC", field);
    if (qual == "CR")
        setValue("partPO", field);
    if (qual == "RC")
        setValue("partRC", field);
    if (qual == "RN")
        setValue("partRN", field);
    if (qual == "VP")
        setValue("partVP", field);
return "";


  • We declare 2 string arrays
  • Then we loop through the array: (start with i= 0)
    • about the getChildValue("../LIN/" + arr[i])
      • we are at /Document/FGrp/Msg/LoopLIN/LoopFST (Source xpath)
      • ../ will move the xpath to upper level (/Document/FGrp/Msg/LoopLIN/)
      • then move to LIN/ record,
      • then we add arr[i] to get element
    • qual variable will get value from xpath: /Document/FGrp/Msg/LoopLIN/LIN/LIN02
    • field variable will get value from xpath: /Document/FGrp/Msg/LoopLIN/LIN/LIN03
    • then we check if the qual equals "BP"
      • we will set value "partBP" by field variable value
    • then we check if the qual equal others, and do like "BP" case
    • then the i will increase 1 and begin the loop again
  • At the end of this: we will set right value for keys: partBP, partEC, partPO, partRC, partRN, partVP, so that we can use them later (by calling getValue("partBP")...)

b. The cross reference for EDI look up table.
This is Map code from:
Map: ANSI X12 830 004010 to Horton Planning Schedule FFS Target
Link: /Document/FGrp/Msg/BFR/BFR04 => /Root/Implicit/H_RECORD/LIN_LOOP/F_RECORD/DateTypeCode

return getXrefValue("830 - Schedule Type", value);


  • We will get value from /Document/FGrp/Msg/BFR/BFR04 (input)
  • Then we check the input in Lookup table "830 - Schedule Type"
  • if the inputmatch any name in the pair (name, value) of the Lookup table "830 - Schedule Type"
    • Then the function will return the value of that pair
    • But if no pair match then the function will return empty

4. Using cross reference with arrays

a. This code is looking up EDI qualifier and IDs (ZZ:SENDER) based off a vendor code.


  • It looks up a value in the lookup table using the variable "result".
  • Then it checks to make sure it contains a ":" in the returned value.  If it doesn't, it returns empty which is the double quotes "";
  • If it contains a colon ":", then it splits it into an array. 
  • Then it assigns the first value as the sender qualifier to a variable. Ex: "ZZ"
  • Then it assigns the second the value as the sender ID to a variable. Ex: "SENDER"
  • Then it saves each one into a map variable with the setValue function (see above for usage).
  • Then it returns the qualifier variable.