This article contains the following sections:
- 1. Adding a trading partner
- 2. Set the trading partner xpath on the document structure
- 3. Setting the integration keys for a specific document
- 4. Assigning it to a flow
1. Adding a trading partner
a. Notice:
Just System Admin and Reseller can add a Partner
b. How to:
- Move to System Partners page
- Click "Add new partner" button
- Fill-in the form with partner information, then click Save
- New partner is created
c. Config Edi Qualifier and Delimiters
- In the System Partners page, choose partner, click ... button to see action menu of that partner
- Choose Login as Partner, then choose Full for full permission mode
- After Impersonation partner, in menu, click Advance Config, then choose Edi Configurations
- Click Add Configuration
- Fill in the form:
- Choose Edi Document (you can choose "Default Edi Config" to apply to all Edi Document)
- Set Edi Qualifier and Delimiters.
- Click Save
d. Tips:
In the System Partners page
a. You can filter Partner by Name and by Integration key
b. Quickly see the Edi configuration of a partner, by choose Info in the action menu of that partner
In the Manage Edi Configurations page of a partner
a. You can filter by Document type
b. Edit or delete configuration by choose in the action menu of the configuration
2. Set the trading partner xpath on the document structure
The trading partner xpath is set on the document structure so when the system parses the document, it knows which field on that specific document is used to identify the trading partner.
a. How to:
- In the left-side menu, click Advance Config, then choose Document Types
- In the row of the document type (which you want to config), click ... button to see action menu, then choose Config
- In the structure tab, you can see Document Structure, click clone button, if this is not your document type and you haven't cloned it, yet. Skip this step if this is your document type, or you have already cloned it.
- There were 2 ways to add Trading partner xpath to the Document structure
- Directly in the structure: In the row of the xpath (which you want to set Partner), click ... button to see action menu, click Xpath Config, then choose Set Partner Xpath
- Xpath Config button: Click Xpath Config button => Select Partner Xpath => You can type the xpath directly in the inbox, or you can choose xpath by click the button next by => Click Save
- Remember to click Save Changes button to apply the Partner Xpath (along with other change in structure)
b. Tips:
- Check the Show special fields only to check if there is Partner Xpath or not
- The partner xpath will have a flag icon next by its name
- To update partner xpath, you can do it in 2 ways
- Click on the flag icon => update in the input => save
- Click Xpath Config button => Select Partner Xpath => update in the input => save
- Both way above, in the input of the Partner Xpath, you can set special condition for it like: /Document/FGrp/Msg/LoopN1/N1[N101='ST']/N104
- There are 2 ways to remove Partner Xpath:
- Directly in the structure: In the row of the partner xpath, click ... button to see action menu, click Xpath Config, then choose Remove Partner Xpath
- Click Xpath Config button => Select Partner Xpath => clear the input => save
3. Setting the integration keys for a specific document
a. Connect to a partner
- Login as Customer
- In the left-side menu, click Advance Config, then choose Connected Partner
- Click the Connect to a Partner button
- Choose a partner then click Save
b. Setting the integration keys for a specific document type
- Move to Partners page (Connected Partner)
- In the row of the partner (which you want to set up), click ... button to see action menu, then choose Config
- Click Link to a Document Type button
- Choose the Document Type (just document types that have Partner Xpath are list and can be chosen)
- Define integration keys:
- You can Import manual by type key in input, then click Add key button if you have more than one key
- Or you can import from file
- Click Save button to add integration keys for a specific document type
c. Notice
If you want to send a document to a partner, you have to connect to that partner (even not Setting the integration keys for a specific document type)
d. Tips
When you import from file, you can choose to keep old data and append new data or clear old data and add new one.
Sample of the import file is attached
4. Assigning it to a flow
a. Set up in a flow:
- In the Trigger step of a flow, select Setup Partner tab
- Click Add Partner button
- Select Partner to assign to the flow => click Save
- Click Save on trigger step to save config
b. Notice
- You need to click save twice to save the config: one for choose partner, and one for save step
- The Partner you can choose must match the condition
- If the document type of the trigger step has partner Xpath, the partner must be setting the integration keys for a that document type already
- If the document type of the trigger step does not have partner Xpath, the partner must be connected with current customer