Full information on the different User Levels and how to update them can be found here: https://ecgrid.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000253887

  • MailboxUser: This role essentially provides a read-only set of capabilities on the portal and cannot add/edit/invite users but has limited management capabilities for a single mailbox. This is most likely the role you will want to grant to your customers/contractors when you give them individual mailbox access. 
  • MailboxAdmin: This role can add/edit/delete IDs, partnerships, and users for a given mailbox. This is the default role for legacy Hubbub users. 
  • NetworkUser: This role is used by our resellers and their Operations teams to search transactions across all mailboxes on a network. This is a limited role for internal employees. 
  • NetworkAdmin: This role has full access to customizing the portal, sending notifications, adding/editing users, resending files, and full management of all mailboxes for their customer organizations or trading partners.