API – VAN business process flow



Outbound from your network – Upload Document

  • ParcelUploadExA - Post an EDI document to ECGrid. It will return the parcelID of the document successfully uploaded. This parcel ID can be used to retrieve additional information.
  • InterchangeInfo – Return the metadata about a specific interchange – including the document status.
  • InterchangeManifest – returns the audit information which shows the step/process it went through on ECGrid.


Inbound to your network – Download Document

Batch Method

  • Get list of parcels in network
    1. ParcelInBoxEx – use SessionID (API Key of network Admin), NetworkID, and -1 (ALL) for rest to capture all parcels for all mailboxes.
  • Loop through ParcelIDInfo to get each document and get ParcelID value.
  • Get document in base64String: Call ParcelDownloadA using SessionID and the ParcelID.
  • Call ParcelDownloadConfirm to remove the file from the pending download list.

Callback – Webhook

  • CallBackAddEx – Once you create this callback request, it will send a response to the URL provided with the parcelID of the document that arrived in the inbox.
  • Get document in base64String: Call ParcelDownloadA using SessionID and the ParcelID.
  • Call ParcelDownloadConfirm to remove the file from the pending download list.


Look up Transactions

  • InterchangeInBoxEx – able to search by date range and interchange control number. The date needs to be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss in UTC format. The times can take an offset as well: Ex – 2023-02-01T00:00:00-05:00 where the UTC offset is -05:00. The InterchangeControlID can be an empty string and ECGridIDTo, ECGridIDFrom and Mailbox can have a -1 to get “ALL”.
  • InterchangeOutBoxEx – able to search by date range and interchange control number. The date needs to be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss in UTC format. The times can take an offset as well: Ex – 2023-02-01T00:00:00-05:00 where the UTC offset is -05:00. The InterchangeControlID can be an empty string and ECGridIDTo, ECGridIDFrom and Mailbox can have a -1 to get “ALL”.
  • To view the actual document, you can call the ParcelDownload function.


Document Error Checks

  • CallBackAddEx
    1. Set SystemObject (network, mailbox, parcel)
    2. Set ObjectStatus – Invoke Callback for each parcel status that would need investigation. So, if parcel reaches error status, Callback will hit specified URL to act on a specific parcel. For outbound errors, a Callback would need to be set for the outbox. For inbound errors, a Callback would need to be set for the inbox.
  • Call InterchangeManifest for specific parcel to get audit information for the errors. This will show each step/process through the ECGrid network.

Snippet from return set:



        <NetworkName>Loren Data Corp. - ECGrid Testing</NetworkName>





        <StatusMessage>NETWORK-IN: Parcel Ready for Grid Processing</StatusMessage>






  • TPAddEx - Add new IDs to a mailbox. RoutingGroup is mandatory and usually ProductionA
  • MailboxAddEx – Add new mailbox to network. User needs to exist before creating mailbox
  • To setup an interconnect/Trading partnership
    1. Call TPSearch – this will search the ECGrid network for the trading partner IDs to see if they are currently set up on our network. Make sure -1 is set for NetworkID and MailboxID to search the entire ECGrid Network, not just a specific network node or mailbox. This will need to be called for each set of qualifiers and IDs you want to setup the partnership.
    2. Capture the ECGridIDs (internal UUIDs for the qualifier and IDs)
    3. Call InterconnectAdd with the ECGridIDs captured with the TPSearch function
  • Resend Interchange – You need the ECGrid internal Interchange ID to resend an interchange.
    1. InterchangeInboxEx or InterchangeOutboxEx– Search for the interchange you want using one of these calls and the ISA control number.
    2. Find the InterchangeID element value.
    3. Call InterchangeResend with the InterchangeID value.


Find Trading Partner IDs on ECGrid Network

  • TPFindEX – Search the ECGrid Network by description. -1 on NetworkID and MailboxID will allow a search across all our networks and mailboxes. % at the beginning/end of the description will wildcard the entry.
    1. When using GET, you need to have %25 in front of the ID so it is accepted in the HTTP request. Ex: %25DEMO%
    2. If using POST with the parameters in the body, no need for the %25 in front. Ex: %DEMO%
  • TPSearchEx – Search the ECGrid Network by qualifier and ID. % at the beginning/end of the qualifier and/or ID will wildcard the entry.